Announcements / April 9th: EdVestors 17th Education Showcase

April 9th: EdVestors 17th Education Showcase

Find out what the hottest issues in urban education are at this year’s Showcase, which will feature extended time to directly engage with teachers, school leaders and non-profit partners, who are tackling the most pressing challenges in Boston’s schools through EdVestors’ Seed Fund. In addition to learning about a range of key urban education issues and schools’ innovative and practical solutions, guests will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the immigrant experience in Boston schools or explore how schools are honoring race and identity in the classroom. We are also excited to highlight a conversation on re-imagining high school education  with Jal Mehta, PhD, Associate Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and author of soon-to-be-released In Search of Deeper Learning.


Click here to RSVP.