Announcements / Announcing the Arts Encore Fund

Announcing the Arts Encore Fund

BPS Arts Encore Fund BPS Arts Expansion has entered its 10th year or Phase 4 (2018-2021). To date we have raised 83% of our Phase 4 $3 million fundraising goal. We need to raise the remaining $600,000 by June 2020 to sustain and expand arts instruction in our schools.

Your contribution to the campaign will:

  • Support BPS Arts Expansion’s core strategies
  • Bolster the Arts Expansion Fund, which provides funding for schools and youth arts organizations across the city

What will we accomplish in Phase 4? EdVestors, in collaboration with our partners, will continue to drive the initiative as it has done since the beginning. We will:

  • Provide external accountability for Boston’s continued progress toward the shared goals of BPS Arts Expansion
  • Maintain visibility
  • Support the broad coalition to advocate for expanded arts education opportunities for young people

A fully funded Phase 4 will enable:

  • Robust grantmaking to schools and arts partners across Boston
  • 100% of BPS preK-8 students to have access to weekly arts education
  • 80% of elementary and middle school students to receive twice-weekly, year-long arts by 2021 (recommended best practice)
  • 100% of BPS graduates meet the MassCore graduation requirements for arts by 2021

Want to get involved? Contact EdVestors SVP for External Relations Anuradha Desai at 617-585-5740, or by making an online donation here.