Applications for the 2025 School on the Move Prize are now open.

Announcements / East Boston High Awarded $100,000 for Accomplishments

East Boston High Awarded $100,000 for Accomplishments

East Boston High School was revealed as the winner of EdVestors’ School on the Move Prize during a ceremony last week at the Westin Copley.

The recognition netted East Boston High School a prize of $100,000. According to a press release from EdVestors, the award includes $80,000 in cash, with the remaining $20,000 going toward “best practice research.”

“I would like to thank EdVestors and their distinguished panel for their outstanding commitment to students across the City of Boston and for granting us your tremendous award,” said Phillip Brangiforte, East Boston High School’s Headmaster.

Read the full story on East Boston Times here.