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Announcements / New skills today equal equitable workforce tomorrow

New skills today equal equitable workforce tomorrow

The May 19, 2021 Bay State Banner op-ed by EdVestors President & CEO Marinell Rousmaniere, “New skills today equal equitable workforce tomorrow”, outlines the opportunity for advancing racial equity through the JPMorgan Chase five-year $35 million initiative, New Skills at Work, across six cities. EdVestors serves as lead partner for New Skills Boston alongside Boston Public Schools, Bunker Hill Community College, University of Massachusetts Boston, the Boston Private Industry Council, Massachusetts Executive Office of Education, The Boston Foundation, and the City of Boston’s Office of Workforce Development. From the article:

“Boston is a partner-rich city with many programs, organizations, and institutions that are committed to building a cross-sector system that works together to enable students and families to make informed choices. Each year, the Boston Private Industry Council (PIC), which serves as the city’s Workforce Development Board and school-to-career intermediary, organizes employers to provide jobs and internship opportunities for BPS students and recent graduates. As part of the Mayor’s Summer Jobs program, the PIC prepares high school students for internships and matches them based on their skills and interests to work in employer-paid jobs and internships at private sector companies and in subsidized employment with community-based organizations and government. Quality work-based learning experiences such as paid internships provide opportunities for students to gain work experience and build professional and technical skills. They also help students explore career options through exposure to different sectors and occupations.

Read the full article here.