Applications for the 2025 School on the Move Prize are now open.

Announcements / Statement by Marinell Rousmaniere, President & CEO of Edvestors on the Appointment of a New Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools

Statement by Marinell Rousmaniere, President & CEO of Edvestors on the Appointment of a New Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools

Jun 30, 2022

As the new Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools (BPS), Mary Skipper has an extraordinary opportunity to transform the city’s public school system. The task ahead will be complicated and demanding but there is promising work happening every day in our schools that Superintendent Skipper can build on and share across the district.  Superintendent Skipper will need the support of Boston’s business, community and political leaders, and – equally important – families to create and implement a blueprint that leads to lasting change for schools and students. Already, Mayor Wu and state education officials have reached an agreement that will kick-start improvement plans and hold the city accountable for improvement. Boston is fortunate to have a community that cares deeply about education and has many vibrant partners that can play a crucial role in implementing these efforts. As a longtime BPS partner,  EdVestors has deep connections to educators, school leaders, central office staff, and community-based organizations. We look forward to working with Superintendent Skipper to activate the district’s many stakeholders to  move the system forward for Boston students.

