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Announcements / Viewpoint: Bring business to the table on ed reform

Viewpoint: Bring business to the table on ed reform

The May 10, 2018 Boston Business Journal opinion piece by EdVestors President and CEO Laura Perille and EdVestors Board Chairman Wendell Knox, "Viewpoint: Bring business to the table on ed reform", discusses the 25 years of work since the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993 and the room for more drive centered around business leaders. From the article:

While being first in the nation is no small achievement, we must reflect on where we have fallen short. We must have a fierce urgency for change when we have a wide achievement gap between our black, Latino and low-income students and their white and economically advantaged peers. We can’t claim victory when more than a third of our high school graduates need to take remedial courses once they get to college. The job isn’t finished when data show only 36 percent of entering high school freshmen in Massachusetts and 12 percent of non-exam-school Boston 9th graders will ever earn a college degree.

Recent studies have shown that the state’s high school population is declining at the same time hundreds of thousands of college-educated workers are retiring. The vast majority of Massachusetts job openings in the next decade will require a degree or certificate beyond high school. The need to educate all of our students is not only a moral imperative, it’s a business imperative.

Read the full article here.