In this moment, it is critically important to recommit ourselves to the education of the young people in our city who will be the educators, scientists, health care professionals, and civic leaders of the future. Working alongside our school, district, and community partners in the coming weeks, we will continue to offer our support and look for new opportunities to positively impact the learning of our young people.
The following are resources to help organizations and individuals in planning steps to move forward (we will continue to add as we find resources):
Information and Resources regarding COVID-19
Daily update of relevant COVID-19 News from City of Boston
- City of Boston Food Resources during COVID-19
- City of Boston Housing Response
- City of Boston Resource Guide for Immigrants
- The City has setup text alerts: Text BOSCOVID to 888-777 to opt-in for alerts in English; there are text alerts alerts in 10 other languages
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information
Boston Public Schools Resources
BNN and BPS have partnered to provide programming/lessons for students
WGBH Distance Learning Resources
Massachusetts Department of Education and Secondary Education (DESE) Resources
List of Resources from The Boston Foundation
We hosted a Virtual Forum on Remote Learning in Arts Education and Creative Youth Development in partnership with City of Boston, Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture, Mass Cultural Council, and the BPS Visual and Performing Arts Department.
Teaching Artists are eligible to apply for the City of Boston Artist Relief Fund - deadline to apply May 15; deadline to donate May 30
Boston Singers Resource Emergency Relief Fund